Do You Want To Become A Precinct Committee Person
We currently have PCP openings in the following Precincts in Park County.
PC 4, PC 8, PC 10 and PC 11. See Precinct Maps if you are unsure which you are in.
Please read PCP duties below. If you are interested in becoming a PCP please fill out the website CONTACT FORM.
A Precinct Committee Person (PCP) is a duly elected office, elected by the people at the Precinct Caucus meeting to be their representative in the Republican Central Committee. PCPs must reside within the boundaries of their precinct, according to the Park County Clerk and Recorder voting registration and precinct maps. The PCP’s main duty is to perform outreach to Republicans in their Precinct, organize their precinct to encourage Republicans to vote on Election Day for all Republican candidates and issues supported by a majority vote of PCRCC. Delegates for the county assembly shall be elected by members of each Caucus. Delegates to the state assembly shall be elected at the County Assembly. The PCRCC executive committee (Chair, 1st Vice-Chair, and Secretary (3 votes)) are automatic delegates to the State Assembly. PCPs shall:
1. Find a suitable location 30 days prior to Caucus; to be approved by the executive board.
2. Post the notice of Caucus signs at the selected Caucus locations no later than ten (10) days prior to precinct Caucus Day as required by law.
3. Notify all registered Republicans via telephone, text message, social media, email, or postal mail in each precinct of date and time of Caucus, including education on county processes. Instruct registered Republicans they may submit resolutions at Caucus to be drafted for vote at the County Assembly.
4. Conduct the precinct Caucus as provided in these bylaws. Follow the script provided.
5. Must support and attend at least 2 of the 5 major fundraising events throughout Park County.
6. Complete the Caucus precinct reports immediately following the Caucus and file with PCRCC Secretary within four (4) business days following the Caucus.
7. Must attend, at a minimum, 9 of 12 meetings held during a calendar year.
8. Make every effort to give a proxy in case of an absence; Three proxies are permitted per voting member per calendar year. Once exhausted, the voting member proxy will no longer carry a vote.
9. Abide by PCRCC county, state & national bylaws.
10.Assist in fundraising and social events including helping with booth presence and handing out literature at community events.
11.Support and comply with the Bylaws approved and set by the Republican National Committee, Colorado Republican Committee, and the Park County Republican Central Committee.
A PCP vacancy occurring after completion of Caucuses and during the terms of office of PCP, shall be filled by a majority vote at a meeting of PCRCC, excluding the organizational meeting. The PCRCC Vacancy Committee shall be responsible for following the procedures outlined in this Section.
1. The Vacancy Chair shall report vacancies at each regular meeting.
2. The Vacancy Committee shall contact prospective candidates to ascertain their interest in serving their precinct.
3. Each candidate shall receive from the Vacancy Committee Chair a questionnaire.
4. Each candidate shall complete and return a questionnaire prior to the next regularly scheduled PCRCC meeting.
5. Questionnaires must be distributed to the entire voting body prior to the regularly scheduled meeting.
6. The Vacancy Committee shall submit all applicants, having met the requirements stated herein, to the entire PCRCC at a regularly scheduled meeting.
7. Applicant shall present themselves to the PCRCC at regularly scheduled meetings. Presentation by prospective PCP candidates shall not exceed 2 minutes during meeting proceedings, or at the discretion of the Chair.
8. PCP candidates presenting for open PCP positions unopposed shall be immediately ratified by acclimation.
9. When multiple candidates present for a single open precinct slot, a vote by secret ballot shall immediately commence at the end of all candidate presentations.
10.Vacancies shall not be filled during the organizational meeting in February of odd numbered years (unless the chair deems necessary to call a regular meeting.) The PCRCC has the authority and responsibility to remove from office any PCP who is not fulfilling his responsibilities adequately per these Bylaws. This will happen as a vote of the PCRCC body after the issue has been identified.